In March 2015, we developed plans for regular, open shop hours and formally organized to accept bike donations and conduct sales. Since May 2015, we have been open every Tuesday evening from 5 to 8 PM, adding more shop time whenever we could. Over that period, we have served nearly 800 individuals with repairs ranging from flat tires to frozen bottom brackets.
Until May 2015, we operated solely on small, individual donations. Since that time, we have received grant funding from Queen City Rotary, Kiwanis Club of Manchester, New England Grassroots Environmental Fund, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, & The Bean Foundation.
In June 2015, we implemented a pricing plan for the use of shop/equipment and the sale of used parts and bicycles. Since that time, we have taken in over 800 bicycles and many of those are now in use in our community.
We are very grateful to have received significant bike donations from individuals thanks to local press coverage and word of mouth in the community. Since July 2015, the Manchester Police Department now donates all bikes found, or confiscated, to QC Bike Collective, instead of sending them to auction out of state.