Manchester Map + Resources

Fix-It Stations

Flats happen. Need to make a repair on the go? Use the map to find the nearest Fix-It Station or pump.

If you notice something amiss, please tell us what you found.

Thanks for letting us know – we’ll try to resolve any issues, as quickly as we can!

Put Your Bike on the Bus!

All MTA busses have bike racks.

Weather lousy?

Want to bring your bike to Nashua or Concord, without riding all the way there?

Good News!! All Manchester Transit Authority buses have bike racks on the front of each bus, that can carry two bikes.

The racks on the Green DASH downtown circulator buses can hold three bikes, and the Green DASH is free to ride!

Other City Resources

Hit a huge pothole? See a downed sign? Find something on the rail trail?
Let the City of Manchester know by using SeeClickFix Manchester
You can use the SeeClickFix feature on the ManchesterConnect app to submit requests and report problems directly to the city, such as trail damage, broken infrastructure, parking enforcement, police (non-emergency), dead animal pickup, potholes, street light or sign repair, and more! Report a concern through SeeClickFix or download the ManchesterConnect app to view the city’s website from your phone.
Your messages will be sent directly to the relevant city department.